174. CreARTive Sunday: Vintage Charms and Charm Bracelets: What’s Your Sign?
(you can click on each picture to see the bracelets greatly enlarged, you will have to
scroll across and down)
I saw this bracelet on ebay and I was intrigued; it was full, heavy, and chock full of zodiac charms; I bought it and added to it. More is more; after all, it’s the universe and although it is chaotic, there is a beauty and an order to it. I don’t know how many charms I added to this; a dash of colorful enamel, a zodiac bubble—more on that later, the large zodiac disk you see in the lower middle, cancer-crabs, scorpios, miniatures, a 2-sided beauty of a moon, happy on one side and sad on the other, a little sun. Some of the charms were engraved, some are solid, some are open, there are rectangular tags engraved with a zodiac name in German. It now has about 55 charms and weighs 4.25 ounces. (120 grams)
The bracelet itself is interesting and unique: it’s a double rolo chain and within the links are loops that keep the articulated links in place.
More creations…
These bezel-set double sided glass bubble zodiacs are made by different companies. There are slight differences in the construction; some are puffy both front and back, others are flatter on one side than the other. They are colorful reverse intaglios. The design is raised and painted.
On the reverse, depending on the manufacturer, it either says the name of the zodiac: Leo/Lion, or the name and a description: Scorpio/The Scorpion/desire.
The unique chain consists of figure eights linking textured oval links.
My sign is Taurus, but I live my life like an Aries. It’s that cusp thing. ;o)
Very attractive bracelet. I love the chain too.
Sunday March 2, 2008 – 11:22am (EST)
Wow weee! I really love the bracelet in the top photo and it appears to be heavy(is it when you wear it?) and must make a nice jangly sound too. 🙂
I enlarged it to get a better look– I spotted a few scorpions on it.. 😉 Say this Libra/Scorpio..(cusp)
Sunday March 2, 2008 – 11:32am (EST)
My sign is cancer. You now how much I look forward to your Sunday blog! Another wonderful one! (((((Hugs))))))) Have a wonderful day!
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Mar 2, ’08
Sue…other than on e-bay where do you find these treasures?
starfishred wrote on Mar 2, ’08
Oh I want one hehehe it is really unique love it.
fuzzysworld wrote on Mar 2, ’08
Fabulous. My favorite is the first one. I agree that with charm bracelets, more is definitely more!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Mar 2, ’08
gilesy01 said
The intaglio bracelet is one I put together; it took me quite a while to find all the charms!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Mar 2, ’08, edited on Mar 2, ’08
sweetpotatoqueen said
Well, some antique shops have them, but the selection is nothing like what is on ebay.
lauritasita wrote on Mar 2, ’08
This one is also very unique ! I like the bezel set because I tend to go for things that are very colorful.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Mar 2, ’08
laura1may said
Not sure if the intaglios are enameled or painted–maybe both.
hurricanekate wrote on Mar 2, ’08
How did I miss this one?????????????? I live for these bracelets. I freakin live for them.I like the double sided zodiac ones. I do.But…
I’m diggin the one at the top. There are those times when More is More and More is a good thing……..this would be one of those. That’s a bracelet you feel when you wear, and as much work as you put into them they should be felt. I still remember my Nana wearing hers, and my mom’s, when we were children we loved to play with them, each charm had his own magic……..you know? sure you do…… :))))))))))) much love, xo |
174. CreARTive Sunday: Vintage Charms and Charm Bracelets: What’s Your Sign? — No Comments
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