
215. Mother-Daughter→Husband Journey: I Don’t Know — 11 Comments

  1. Omg. You are living a nightmare. I’m so sorry for what you and Robert ( and Evan)are going through. Sending virtual hugs

  2. I am so sorry to read this Sue. I hope he is comfortable and that you have at least been able to speak to him. I know you will handle whatever you must do with fortitude and grace. Hope Robert responds well to treatment and will do better soon. Love, your ‘lainie

  3. I don’t know how you are coping with all this. You are such a strong person but even a strong person needs relief. I have no words. Just know I am thinking about you. Love, Pat

  4. You are so expressive, so much so, that I cannot only know what you are going through, I can actually feel it!!! Sue, I am so sorry for what you, Robert, and Evan are experiencing.
    The hardest thing is not being able to see each other and not having visitation rights.
    My thoughts, prayers, and, love, are with you all!
    ❤️ Jackie

  5. Sue, this is all so unbelievable. And for Robert to test positive for COVID now, on top of everything else. Sending you hugs, and prayers for your continued strength and support and sleep-ful nights, if possible.

  6. I don’t have the words. Your strength is amazing- I don’t think I could write those words down that I just read here. So sad for you snd Robert. What an awful situation. Do what you can, try not to think about what you can’t change. I hope for some peace and recovery for you and soon!
    I wish there were things that I could do for you. You need someone to take care of you. Thank God for your friends who cook and shop for you.
    And hang in there.

  7. I remember the frantic Florida calls all too well. This nightmare continues and I worry about your stress levels. Looking after yourself and your own needs is imperative as I know only too well what worrying about a very sick husband/mother/child can do to your body and mind. If you meditate, concentrate on training yourself to not panic before the event, to deal with whatever comes at you calmly. Surprisingly you can change your thought patterns and reactions very quickly. Love and hugs with prayers x

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