
255.→Husband Journey: On Loss, Dreams, and Old Fashioned Moments — 11 Comments

  1. Dear Sue,
    You have created a strong path of rescue for yourself; excorcising devils, doubts and dread through your writing. It is a gift that I hope helps lighten your load if only by a tiny bit as is the loving, supportive community of friends who have been drawn to you. Reality is so hard. Wishing you love and strength.

  2. beautifully written Sue,you are going thru so much,Keeping you in my prayers ,love and just know I have been for a loss of words,just very.very upset about all of you.I will be back in touch.pray Robert is going to get better.Evan,how is he.God will be with you .

  3. You’re interpretations are so revealing, so deep, so enlightening. By putting your experience into beautifully written words, you are healing, sharing and coping in extraordinary ways!
    Wishing you love and strength on your difficult path.

  4. Dear Sue,
    The hardest place is being in the not knowing. And you are a visitor there for a while. I have great confidence and sending my best healing wishes that you will have good results with your surgery. Try to keep your head where your feet are. You have so many supporters because you give of yourself so freely.
    ❤️ your ‘lainie

    • Dear Sue,
      Unlike your dream about needing help from people, people are around, but no one is willing to help you, you have a wonderful and extensive support system of all of us who are truly experiencing along with you what you have been going through and genuinely love and care about you, Robert, and, Evan. You know I am here for you!!! If you need me to be there for you, I’ll be there!!! ❤️ Jackie

  5. Ah, the beauty of things old-fashioned … like both of your preferences for the two-letter telephone exchanges before they went to all numbers.

    And what heartwarming photos over Robert’s bed.

    Prayers and hugs for all, and for your upcoming surgery.


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