272: CreARTive Sunday: Travel Treats: dichroic glass to add to the collection
When on a vacation I enjoy poking around in stores. While in North Adams. MA, I visited the store where I have made several purchases. I thought you might like to see what I picked up to add to my collection.
New Acquisitions
Photos by Sans
millimusings wrote on Jul 19, ’08
I do adore what you picked up and I truly do love your style and the choices that you make. Ten year olds again LOL. Honestly though Sue these are the type of jewelry I also would enjoy wearing.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 20, ’08
millimusings said
Milli, to see these in person and to handle them makes another dimension. The layers of color are outstanding, and the bracelet, unlike my other one which is backed in silver, is translucent and the light shifts through it. Very cool.
starfishred wrote on Jul 20, ’08
wonderful sue these pieces are so exquisite and the colors are wonderful-
tulipsinspring wrote on Jul 20, ’08
So pretty!!! I do love your taste!
lauritasita wrote on Jul 20, ’08
Beautiful dichroic glass stuff. I wish I could get some more to wear with the pieces you gave me ! I don’t know if this is your linking page, but here’s a post I did for this week:http://lauritasita.multiply.com/journal/item/789/CreARTive_Sunday_072008_My_Impatiens_Flowers
annedigitalis wrote on Jul 27, ’08
272: CreARTive Sunday: Travel Treats: dichroic glass to add to the collection — No Comments
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