
274→Husband Journey: On Disconnecting — 13 Comments

  1. Your beautiful thoughts and deep feelings of a life well lived by you & Robert; you two artistically,aesthetically connected by love, a child, good deeds, dignity of work, learning, creating, traveling and so much more. There was so much connection, static, and now a disconnect.
    So much to process and adapt to, changes, making a couple into one. He is alone on his path.
    I wish that all the things you miss the most, will reconnect in the next chapter of your life because your vibrancy will continue to grow and bloom. This is your path and where you must take a different journey. It is very sad for Robert, but life can still surprise you in a wonderful way, like it did for Delia Ephron albeit short…be open to the light, aware of grasping the opportunities for bringing happiness! We all love you, your gifts and want you to fly!

  2. So very bittersweet and beautifully expressed in ways that only you, can express and share in your special way. I was very teary throughout.
    And the point you were holding on to until the end of this blog, treasure it!!!!!

  3. Tender and astonishing How beautiful for both of you. Love & hugs to you and Evan and, of course, to my dear old friend/mentor.

  4. You are a tremendous writer and your words transport me into your journey. My heart is moved by your relationship with your dear husband. I feel the depth of emotion. My heart goes out to both of you. Though we have never met “in person” I feel closer to you than some people I see often. Thank you for sharing and always inspiring us. I love you.

  5. FB

    Lucie von Leyden
    I’m touched so profoundly by what you write.

    Deborah R. Cotterman
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us. I feel so honored to witness pieces of your journey. ❤

    Sharon Hershberg
    All I can say is, “WOW!”

    Kate Bade
    I’m in tears with you, for you, for Robert. Love, grief, knowing and compassion all tangled into one line …..a life line, a support line, a love line.
    I am here.
    I see you.
    I love you.


    Քնարիկ Արաբշյան
    So heartbreaking and touching. Sending you warm hugs.

    Sue W
    Very moving, Susan…this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this moment with us 💓

  6. I am crying many tears. The moment is achingly sad, but beautiful beyond words. You are truly one of the strongest women I know (which can also be a curse I know). I pray for both of you every night and hope that helps to ease some of this pain for both of you. Huge hugs for you.

  7. Your writing is so intense and thought provoking. I read this “blog” several times. Robert is still with you. He senses all which you have been doing. You are an amazingly strong woman. God bless you. Thank you for sharing. Love you.

  8. You are such an incredible writer. As I read your words I wonder how I would deal with what you are dealing with. I lost both my parents who were far too young, but we expect that our parents will go before we do. I will be celebrating my 50th wedding anniversary next month. It is a milestone and while sometimes I wonder how we lasted so,long, other times I can’t imagine what it would be like without him. Know that I think of you often and send you virtual love and hugs.

  9. So very poignant and lovely! He knows who you are and loves you!! And the phone?-that’s hard! Sending you lots and lots of love! 💗💗💗💗

  10. We love you both…between and among. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve told that story of Robert’s wish to a few friends. It is both heartbreaking and beautiful. And nothing to be embarrassed by at all.

  11. Just so sad for one to read Susan, I have read this very good and Robert was so sad. I really, really feel so blue about all you been thru. I just wish you could wave a wand and Life for you all would go back to normal .The room should be cheerful and light. I hope Evan is doing well. I just cannot understand much with all that has been going on in the World. I do wish for you and Robert to have a better life.My friend honestly I never forget you.thanks for letting us read your words.stay well

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