
277→Husband Journey: Total Eclipse of the Heart — 11 Comments

  1. There are absolutely no excuses that are acceptable within the field of medicine. If you cock up, own up. Make it right instantly. Check for sure but do not keep the loved ones hanging on waiting for news. I am so sorry Susan that you are going through this. As I have said to you many times before, look after yourself. Whilst women are keepers, without self care, thye very soon burn out. xx

  2. You handled everything very well and eventually got an answer. I am amazed at how you are able to function at this point. Prayers and thoughts to you and Robert.

    Love you.

  3. Sending huge hugs. This was so frightening, and, thankfully, needlessly so. Keep hanging on to that rope. Prayers for you both, always.

  4. FB comments
    Kate B
    Oh honey…..I am so sorry, this on top of everything.
    I love you, I see you, I hear you.
    Sharon H
    You are amazing! You are able to survive this insane situation with such grace.

    Karen M
    Oh Sue how confusing and frightening ! I hope you can get some proper resolve as to what is going on!

    Peggy C
    Good grief! You are a warrior. How frustrating (and scary) not to have more control over the situation. Hoping for all to work out OK.

    Shers G
    Despite all this, you are and always were a beautiful writer…. 💗💔🌷
    “I left with a funny feeling. One of those Madeline-Miss Clavel moments when the gut speaks. And I do know that when you are a caregiver you live in the land of hyper-vigilance, waiting for that other shoe to crash to the floor, taking you with it, pulling you down, down, leaving you on your own to claw your way back up and out of that black hole of fear.
    I have bought into the adage, the self-serving and self-protecting words: No news is good news.
    Because his heart was deemed to be broken.
    And mine already was.”

    Nigel R
    You’ve coped so brilliantly in very difficult circumstances — all power to you xxx

    Lucie von L
    What a terrifying time to go through, and so frustrating that it took so long to find out what the situation was. The lack of clarity is so soul-sucking. Your words are powerful.

    Catherine M
    Sigh! How horrible to on such an atrocious communications train wreck! Hope Robert is doing well this week. Thinking of you , my friend❤️

    Susan Anne L
    So sorry!

    • You handled the chaos and miscommunication very well. In the end, you successfully received the information you needed to support Robert.
      Going through what you going through is so very daunting at the very least. But, you did it in your intelligent, thoughtful, methodical way.

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