28. The Mystery of the Disappearing Internet Signal
Dear Bravehearts in the Land of Blog. Absolve me from guilt. I have not yet been blogging a month and hope you have been leaving my pages with postive thoughts and feelings, enough to hopefully bring you back. There’s the rub. Pressure. I tell myself that I do not have to post everyday, yet something calls me back to the keyboard, and I can’t leave.
I am trying not to be too intense everyday; I easily fall into that. Then I ask myself, “who am I writing for?” To make me happy or other people happy–or both. Maybe I should just take it as it comes and not be so concerned. But, I am always anxious that the well may go dry.
I am going to lighten up after the mother lode I posted yesterday and write about a moment in time from yesterday.
There I was pounding away at the keyboard, getting those 2 (count ’em) pieces together, when my internet connection went down. Now I am starting to panic that I might lose my tome.
As I am the techster in this household, (I set up, I do, I fix, I hang out on the phone with gazillions of folks–mainly in India and southeast Asia–for hours) I went downstairs to reboot the wireless router. I tried to do this several times and determined that there was no signal emanating at all, and that the fault seemed to lie with my nemesis, Verizon.
Dealing with some of these corporations can be the most aggravating and daunting of tasks and I believe they customer support is set up so that we consumers will just go away. Rather than have an experience with Verizon, let’s say, go well, they would rather you just go out and maybe buy a new computer, or even better, shoot yourself.
I never give in. I fixed a problem recently; true it took more than 2 weeks, that AOL, Symantec, and a third company, as well as my technician, couldn’t figure out. So call me patient or crazy, they are both true, but when it comes with this tech “stuff” don’t mess with me.
So there I was trying to get through to Verizon: I got re-routed to the wrong department twice via the robotic, press this or that, system, I got disconnected. All I wanted to find out was if there was a “problem” in my area. I got so disgusted during the wasted 15 minutes it took to get nowhere, I actually gave up.
I looked on the floor.
There was Caramel, aka, Mellie Petunia, the mama kitty, plopped on top of the power bar surge protector on the floor, under a jungle of tangled vines of wires, cords and plugs, looking very pleased with herself. I shook the wire I was trying to plug and replug into the router and it appeared to be well connected to the bar.
I called Verizon back. I couldn’t get through to the appropriate department. The phone was cradled in my neck; I pulled and pushed ethernet cables, replugged in the power source.
Nothing. Literally. At Verizon’s end or mine. I hung up. Again.
Back down on the floor in the dust bunny jungle; I am on my hands and knees inching through a crawl space big enough for Alice, after a sip of that Vitameatavegamin stuff that made her grow through the roof. I am nose to pink whiskered nose with Mellie Petunia who disperses herself off the power strip, and it dawns on me. She was resting on the switch; she had turned the thing off.
Damn, and I was so looking forward to getting through to Verizon…no can do.
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•Red W…
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That was funny. I think Yahoo has been acting up today, too, from what I read on blogs it seems Yahoo was down for some time and I also got a couple of strangely empty messages. Have a lovely evening, hug.
Wednesday April 25, 2007 – 09:26pm (BST) Remove Comment
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My dear New-Yorker. I have a friend who is a GP or MD? I was a reporter back then and I always had tons of questions to ask him. About complicated stuff… what if this? what if that? One day –perhaps sick of my unofficial interviews– he told me: “People get a stomach ache and think about the most complex possibilities. It goes the other way around: maybe you just ate too much”. Hugs!
Wednesday April 25, 2007 – 07:33pm (CDT) Remove Comment
•Sans …
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Heehee! Love you!
Wednesday April 25, 2007 – 08:35pm (EDT) Remove Comment
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Your music is great for my squirrell machine! Thanks. I love it!
Wednesday April 25, 2007 – 07:38pm (CDT) Remove Comment
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mS sANS You ought to get together with my techie friend Mike at qcc. He regularly battles with verizon and loses, it seems. He hates with a passion more intense than yours. Cats, ferals or otherwise, are guaranteed to fill in the rough spots left behind by v-corp. Press on!!
Thursday April 26, 2007 – 01:29pm (EDT) Remove Comment
• Offline IM
LOL that is hilarious! I had a cat once who used to hang up the phone while I was talking on it (before I got smart and got a wireless one). And it being unplugged — definitely something I would do! I love that you have a cat named Ampersand, they are absolutely darling! Were they really formally feral? I had two formerly feral cats too — and wow did they become devoted, affectionate friends. Great blog my friend!
Thursday April 26, 2007 – 10:45pm (EDT) Remove Comment
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Silly kitties, they know when mama needs a break! hahaha!!!Great Post Sue!
Sunday June 17, 2007 – 11:44am (CDT) Remove Comment
• Offline IM
Wonderful and fun to read! Don’t you just love the way the kitties make life so enjoyable. You never get bored with them. lol lol lol
Great reading. Loved it.
love you,
Saturday September 8, 2007 – 02:38am (EDT) Remove Comment
• Offline IM
I forgot to tell you, the cats are so beautiful. The mom’s eyes shine like emeralds. They sure did need you. How wonderful that you rescued them. What a blessing.
love you,
Saturday September 8, 2007 – 02:39am (EDT) Remove Comment
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