301. Photo journal: checking back on my window view
Yes, it is technically Autumn. We are going to be getting some heavy rain over the next couple of days. I thought the apple tree was dying, but the garden guy says, “there is still life in it.” Big sigh of relief. There is a large branch on the left that will have to come off as well as others here and there. I thought this was “the end,” of my old, old Golden Russet tree, one of the originals left, perhaps the only one, from an orchard that was here maybe 70-80 years ago.
The container garden will soon be waning and so will the sun. Though the season is “over,” many plants don’t know it yet. Or don’t want to.
From the window, telephotos looking down…Click to enlarge.
vickiecollins wrote on Sep 24, ’08
lovely flowers…
millimusings wrote on Sep 24, ’08
Absolutely a delight to view.
Thanks so much for sharing all of these photos of your garden Sue. |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Sep 24, ’08
Thank you! I hate to let them go. And would you believe, the hibiscus, once taken in, will continue blooming all Fall?
hurricanekate wrote on Sep 24, ’08
what a perfect way to end my day………in your garden. xo |
starfishred wrote on Sep 24, ’08
i know how your plants feel cause I feel like them-no please don’t let summer be over-I am one of those people that walk around looking like summer till the first snow flake falls hehehe my hubby used to say here comes the last rose of summer hehe
lovely pics |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Sep 24, ’08
Glad you could make it!!
xo |
ladywolf11 wrote on Sep 25, ’08
I must agree what great shots to end my day, thanks for sharing, I just planed some bulbs for the winter bloom- cross your fingers,
thank you for bringing a little bit of summer to us |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Sep 27, ’08
Your container garden looks fantastic, loads of plants there, could happily sit in that little garden among all those plants.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Sep 27, ’08
forgetmenot525 said
Loretta, in my neighborhood, there is a clay base under the soil and it is very ahrd to get things to grow without major digging and replacing and adding of soil. Flower pots work for me and make the deck look cozy and inviting. I am so glad you came for a visit, birthday girl!
velvet3000 wrote on Sep 29, ’08
And these ones too – LOVE the verandah! And that tree – I still say there’s nothing more beautiful than a tree that’s been allowed to really grow 🙂 And our cacti are flowering too – aren’t they great 🙂
301. Photo journal: checking back on my window view — No Comments
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