307. Index Page: Blogging For Breast Cancer
The series was originally posted in 2007, and has been expanded. I run it annually.
Please invite all your friends to read my story. Awareness is very important. If I can help one person I will be very happy.
10/1~ 63. Part 1. Spinning at 45 rpm’s: Wake Up Little Susie
My journey starts here, as a child, visiting Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY
10/2~ 64. Part 2. Spinning at 45 rpm’s: Bye, Bye Love
The summer of 1959, the ride is beginning.
10/3~ 65. Part 3. Spinning at 45 rpm’s: Beyond The Sea
Revelation in a bathhouse.
10/4~ 66. Part 4. Say It Isn’t So
2004: Facing my fears: cancer
10/5~ 67. Part 5. And It Stoned Me
The first biopsy
10/5~ 68. Part 6. The Nipplemania Newsletter: Doctor, My Eyes
I find out the ultimate as I leave my son at his first year of college
10/6~ 69. Part 7. The Nipplemania Newsletter: Falling Off The Face Of The Earth
A newsletter is born and helps me work through my fears
10/8~ 70. Part 8. Recovery: Comfortably Numb
Revelation with the final biopsy.
10/9~ 71. Part 9. The Nipplemania Newsletter: Did Ye Get Healed?: Important Info
On the mend issue
The Cats that Saved Me
Look who found me
10/10~ 72. Part 10. I Just Want To Thank You: More Info and a Poem From Jay, and Bill, too
Comments, support, information
10.11~ 73. Part 11. Recipe For a Memory
Linda died of breast cancer but her memory lives on–in the best chocolate cheesecake ever
10/13~ 74. Part 12. Spending Time With the Nanny
Fran Drescher at the cancer survivors’ celebration
10/14~ 75. Part 13. Cancer Survivors’ Day Celebration With The Nanny (2007)
10/14~ 76. Part 14. Poetry: The Nipple Song
a little humor thrown in; I met my (2007) cancer walk goal
10/15~ 77. Part 15. My First Cancer Walk (2007)
10/16~ 89. Part 16. Final Words On Breast Cancer Awareness
myths debunked
10/18~ 250. Part 17. Spending Time With Julia Sweeney (2008)
another cancer survivors’ celebration, another year
Part 18: On Relationships: Make-up Meltdown: and then he touched me
An event triggers a painful flashback
October 1, 2010: it is the 6 year anniversary of being cancer-free.
Blogging for Breast Cancer: Part 19: ” I have no insurance but, I have faith” -Leslie Helene Elder
Thoughts on Breast Cancer: A Mere Trip to Italy
Flashback to a voyage of fear
jayaramanms wrote on Oct 1, ’08
Hi Sue, I egarly await your blogs on the story of your beating the cancer. I will also tell my contacts and friends to see your blogs. Incidentally I also intend posting a few new blogs in this month, in addition to reposting some of my old Yahoo blogs on the subject. Pl. see them too. With best wishes. Jayaraman
philsgal7759 wrote on Oct 1, ’08
This is an incredible series I hope everyone will read it
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 1, ’08
Everyone is welcome, everything set to everyone–it’s very important. Thank you for joining me.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 1, ’08
Part 2 is available.
tulipsinspring wrote on Oct 1, ’08
I agree with Narice. It’s such an important message, and nobody else could deliver it with your rare talent. Love you!!!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 1, ’08
tulipsinspring said
Love you, too and thanks Miss Tulips.
hadenough1 wrote on Oct 2, ’08
Good job Sans–your helping others with all you know
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 2, ’08
Part 3 is now available.
froggies67 wrote on Oct 2, ’08
very good and I willtell my friends, you are so great at you rblog friend
ladywolf11 wrote on Oct 2, ’08
thank you for sharing such a personal jouney, I go at the end of the month, have not been in years,
hugssssssssssssss |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 2, ’08
ladywolf11 said
I will be in the room with you!
I am soooo glad you are going. Many hugs! |
ladywolf11 wrote on Oct 3, ’08
awwwwww you touched my heart – thank you
hugssss |
millimusings wrote on Oct 3, ’08
I have linked your story Sue through my picture perfect…Picture Perfect~ Rhyme
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 3, ’08
Part 4 is now active.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 3, ’08
millimusings said
Thank you, Milli!!!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 3, ’08
typoqueen said
Hi, My sweet friend, yes it is a year, this is how we met!!
How are you and the family? I miss you so much. |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 3, ’08
wanderingdeity wrote on Oct 4, ’08
i came here from milli’s blog.
hope all’s well with you. |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 4, ’08
wanderingdeity said
So glad you came. Please enjoy the read!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 5, ’08
Part 6 is now available.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 5, ’08
I added 6 a day early.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 6, ’08
Please see post #7, now linked.
strongwilledwoman wrote on Oct 7, ’08
I’m glad you are here to tell your story and happy anniversary.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 7, ’08
Please see post #8
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 8, ’08
Still going, more installments coming, thank you for reading, stay informed.
ladywolf11 wrote on Oct 8, ’08
hugsssssssss can’t not read it- 🙂
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 9, ’08
Part 9 is now available.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 10, ’08
Part 10 is available: comments, information, poetry
knightstar wrote on Oct 11, ’08
Hi Sue—The main difference between your experiences and my recent episode is the investment of time involved. My experience, barring any unforeseen complications, will be over in a relative short period; whereas yours, as you’ve chronicled, is an experience, which has encompassed your entire lifetime in one sense or another. In other words, you suffered much more on all levels over time, physically and spiritually, and I’m sure you’re grown from your experiences immensely; I endured a short period of pain and perhaps learned a few things, yet undefined, from mine.I can very much relate to your experiences in the ICU–a time of misery for sure. I hated the dreams and hallucinations that the morphine induced so much that opted for the pain. I’ve always been a cat person. More than once, in times of deep despair, my cats became my sole reason for wanting to continue—doing anything. If I were not around, my partner can take care of herself. But, I’m afraid no one would take care of my cats the way that I do. Since each has been with us, they’ve never known want. I feel that if I were to do anything consciously to abandon them, it would be an unforgivable betrayal. What you can tell your hostess’s father, the wise old man, for me, is this—cats treat you as an equal, you negotiate their trust and friendship, much as you do with people—dogs are ass-kissers. Lol –M |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 11, ’08
Part 11 is available.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 11, ’08
More coming!!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 11, ’08
knightstar said
The main difference between your experiences and my recent episode is the investment of time involved. My experience, barring any unforeseen complications, will be over in a relative short period; whereas yours, as you’ve chronicled, is an experience, which has encompassed your entire lifetime in one sense or another. In other words, you suffered much more on all levels over time, physically and spiritually, and I’m sure you’re grown from your experiences immensely; I endured a short period of pain and perhaps learned a few things, yet undefined, from mine. I can very much relate to your experiences in the ICU–a time of misery for sure. I hated the dreams and hallucinations that the morphine induced so much that opted for the pain. I’ve always been a cat person. More than once, in times of deep despair, my cats became my sole reason for wanting to continue—doing anything. If I were not around, my partner can take care of herself. But, I’m afraid no one would take care of my cats the way that I do. Since each has been with us, they’ve never known want. I feel that if I were to do anything consciously to abandon them, it would be an unforgivable betrayal. What you can tell your hostess’s father, the wise old man, for me, is this—cats treat you as an equal, you negotiate their trust and friendship, much as you do with people—dogs are ass-kissers. Lol –M Hi, My Knightstar–whatever, the pain, the experience, the shock, it changes you forever as you know.
I am happy we BOTH are ok! I enjoyed your cat comment. Quite honestly, I’ve seen the “wise older man” since, and he was just as obnoxious in other ways. He’ll never learn. I don’t think he’ll ever get it or a lot of other stuff. |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 13, ’08
Part 12 is available, Spending Time With The Nanny
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 14, ’08
Come see Fran Drescher!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 14, ’08
Come sing the nipple song!
sistahpoet wrote on Oct 14, ’08
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 15, ’08
Important post: Myths Debunked
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 18, ’08
Another link added. Visit Julia Sweeney.
dawniegurl013 wrote on Oct 19, ’08
sweet potato queen sent me…my best friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer…she is having a double masectomy on Dec 3rd..thanks for letting me come here and visit and find support…thanks you
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 5, ’10
307. Index Page: Blogging For Breast Cancer — No Comments
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