385. Part 3a. Photo Journal: A pit stop at the Yankee Candle Company
Friday, 7/17/09
Over the Berkshires and through the woods…
We are traveling northwest to the town of North Adams.
(lower right arrow to upper left arrow)
This is what happened along the way; a pit stop at THE Yankee Candle Store in South Deerfield. A bathroom stop ended up being an over an hour adventure.
(Last year’s trip led us to The Vermont Country Store; once you go in you can’t get out!
Former post)
Room after room, theme after theme, shop after shop. Almost as good as Disney Land. Ha! I just linked this with an About article and it likened it to Disney World; looks like I am not the only one with that reaction.
It is a wonderfully run place where photographs aren’t shunned as they sometimes are, and the upbeat feeling is contagious.
As always, click to enlarge…
greenwytch wrote on Jul 24, ’09
what she said! i love yankee candles!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 24, ’09
sousonne said
It is unreal. Stores within the store. Make candles, build animals. Holiday stuff of all kinds. A restaurant, café, housewares, clothes, jewelry. Who knew??
tulipsinspring wrote on Jul 24, ’09
Magical! What a beautiful assortment.LOL I was about to post when I saw the first person used the word “magical.” I didn’t see that before I wrote it, but it’s still the only word I can think of to describe it. I never would leave that place! 🙂
lauritasita wrote on Jul 24, ’09
Wow ! What an enchanting place !
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 24, ’09
What are you doing here, sis, you’re supposed to be on vacation?! 🙂
lauritasita wrote on Jul 24, ’09
sanssouciblogs said
Hee, hee, I snuck in with a weak wi-fi connection !
lauritasita wrote on Jul 24, ’09
I’m getting mom a toaster tom’w.
starfishred wrote on Jul 25, ’09
like deb said magical wonderbar wow
asolotraveler wrote on Jul 25, ’09
why didn’t you take more pictures SS?
philsgal7759 wrote on Jul 25, ’09
Haven’t been there in at least 15 years Hasn’t changed much
Always a good trp |
nomadtraveller wrote on Jul 25, ’09
Yankee candle dandy!!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 25, ’09
asolotraveler said
Wait! I am just getting started!!
caffeinatedjo wrote on Jul 25, ’09
Oh, wow!!! I wanna go play in there. That M&M candle display dispenser thingamajigie looked cool..and all those Christmas trees and, and…. Man, that is just too cool.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 25, ’09
caffeinatedjo said
You would LOVE the Vermont Country Store, too!
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