543. A Nine Lives Times Update: The Unstoppable, Un-trapable, Un-outsmartable Little Arnold!!
I have been poised at my open back sliding door for an hour and a half with Team Arnold Rescue, my cold tea, my computer, and my camera. I have to say, this ain’t easy.
The trap is set and ready to do its job. Then I saw Arnold! He took two small dollops of the outer lure bait, left the plate of food in inner part of the trap untouched and backed out. He must have remembered the trap from when he was neutered last summer. He circled and circled trying to get the food and walked off into the yard. His sick eye is totally covered with a black membrane and it is pitiful.
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Then Sorbet appeared but I scared him off. He’s dying to eat, starving. And the next thing I heard was a cat fight under the deck which I now think is where both Arnold and Sorbet live.
Arnold has disappeared and Sorbet is watching me intently as I sit here and stand guard. My trapper friend said that if I couldn’t get Arnold, at least get Sorbet in to be neutered, and that is what might happen. (Except that even with a stray- cat discount it is costly.)
Stay tuned…
I just spoke to the vet and she is going to dispense an antibiotic. Arnold is just sitting hunched over in the sun on a mat at the bottom of my deck. The vet says he remembers the previous trapping and is outsmarting the process. Hopefully, if we can’t get him in, he can start a round of medicine.
greenwytch wrote on Nov 22, ’10
aaaw….blessings to that little guy. Bast and Bastet are surely looking out for him and i am sure he senses all the love and protection that we are sending him. still praying for you all…..and how sweet that your kits are trying to help by calling him!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Nov 22, ’10, edited on Nov 22, ’10
HE’S IN!!!!!!! |
greenwytch wrote on Nov 22, ’10
sanssouciblogs wrote on Nov 22, ’10
greenwytch wrote on Nov 22, ’10
i know he must have heard all of us coaxing him in there. *phew*
highpriestesslois wrote on Nov 22, ’10
Poor little guy! Glad you finally caught him. Are you going to keep him, or try and find someone to adopt him?
sharons7th wrote on Nov 22, ’10
Yay!! He must have wanted to give you something to write about before he gave in! Glad to hear it.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Nov 22, ’10
Hi, Lois, welcome!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Nov 22, ’10
Thanks for the comments, Pat I think you are right. They indeed DO communicate, they have “words” for birds and squirrels and for when Arnold comes.
Sharon,now for the update… |
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Nov 22, ’10, edited on Nov 22, ’10
You are a cat whisperer among your many other talents.:>)
shoppingdreams wrote on Nov 22, ’10
I’ve been peeking in all day. This is like watching a movie! I shrieked when I saw you got him, so so so proud of you!!! I wish there were more stories like this, and your picture illustrations, brilliant! I see another book from this adventure!!Looking forward to hearing how the little guy is doing!
twattybollocks wrote on Nov 23, ’10
He’s got a real life-saver in you, nice work.
543. A Nine Lives Times Update: The Unstoppable, Un-trapable, Un-outsmartable Little Arnold!! — No Comments
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