569. Tuesday Tech Tips 101: Ding Dong Dell, Computer’s in the Well…
My story about Dell is so long, so complex, so unbelievable, it is stranger than fiction. That’s why this journey has to be followed. I am going to post the links to most of my story;I have linked to past posts and brought the story up-to-date. I am doing this for me, to get a record of events in order. I don’t expect you to read it, but one never knows who will and what might happen.
I twittered these blogs before and got corporate intervention, let’s see what happens now.
Somewhere in my posts it says I have six Dell computers. I have actually had eight since 2002. This is the story of laptops that will go down in history as the wonkiest, the most unreliable, and now I can add: the worst repair job ever.
Here we go.
1. The chaos begins about now…
2. The case of the wonky laptop
4. A rant: when your computer needs an exorcist
5. Is it too much to ask for things to work?
7. Dell makes good: replacement computer arrives
8. It pays to complain: a synopsis of insanity and wonkiness
For those who do not have the penchant to wade through my computer-misery past, here is a sanitized synopsis…
Look back, look forward, it’s all about this:
I bought a laptop in 2009; it had to be replaced less than a year later, that is, after spending what felt like a thousand hours on the phone with tech support.
The replacement computer, not only began freezing but displayed the SAME issues as the lemon computer that was taken back:
letters and words would embed into other lines. Hence, the allusion to poltergeist.
The mini notebook computer, RARELY used, bought mainly for travel went wonky after receiving it. My son took it on a trip and the whole keyboard went berserk. Dell had to Fed-Ex a new one overnight.
Recently,this mini computer began to display the SAME symptoms as the other two. It became impossible to type.
The replacement laptop was sent to repair under warranty. A warranty I extended and am happy I did.
The mini laptop went to repair without warranty. I felt I had spent enough.
One and a half weeks later the mini returned from repair.
A “letter” was enclosed:
“Enclosed please find your REPAIRED Dell portable. The system was diagnosed and extensively tested by certified technicians to ensure the problem you experienced was corrected.
Corrective repair action:
Blue tooth (I had no issue with it)
keyboard (SECOND TIME)
OS restore (that’s tech speak for “you lost everything”)
Palm rest (rest? haven’t had any)
I had been in touch with a woman from Dell corporate who was monitoring my case. She wrote me an email telling me I received the computer according to her records. She said to give it a week to check it out.
This was my reply:
” ‘The system was diagnosed and extensively tested by certified technicians to ensure the problem you experienced was corrected.’ ”
Yes, and now I have a NEW problem!
The computer will not boot up! I sat 30 minutes staring at an hourglass. Twice.
The computer does not work, they sent it back to me broken.
It obviously was not checked after the “repairs” were made… I ranted and raved to an Indian rep who could only offer me this: “I am sending another box for you to return it.”
I am without words except to say the following:
This is not worth my time or energy;
Dell does not make a quality product;
I spent $159 to repair this machine;
Three duds are enough.
I can’t wait to see what they do to my laptop–a dud that replaced another dud!
This is really too much, sorry but I am exasperated.
Just wait until my “replacement” laptop comes back from repair. This should be interesting.
And now it starts. The twittering. I am putting it out there:
And in case you are wondering, I am writing this on my new MacBook Pro. It feels good to have computer that works.
Update on laptop will be posted below anon.
Here is the update: Monday, January 30, 2012.
1. A box arrived for me to ship back the mini computer that was shipped to me non-functioning from REPAIR.
2. My (replacement) laptop just came back non-functioning from REPAIR. It had a letter of acknowledgment that the hard drive is defective. They will be shipping me a new hard drive to be delivered within the next three business days and I am expected to uninstall mine and install the new one. For this I pay for an extended warranty? They should either own up and give me a new computer or have six technicians here fixing my computer, giving me a manicure-pedicure, a therapeutic massage and a free vacation. I deserve it.
The story continues>>> here.
lauritasita wrote on Jan 29
I’m glad you are happy with your MacBook Pro. Keep me posted on your progress!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jan 29, edited on Jan 30
Well, it’s like learning a new language but at least there are local stores, classes, support you can just walk in to. I was always a “PC” and brand loyal for years, but there is definitely something going on with quality, parts, construction. It’s too bad. When that computer came back from repair NON-FUNCTIONING I was more than appalled.
knightstar wrote on Jan 29
sanssouciblogs said
I contend that the only way to go is to have a really good computer guy, Sue. Mine is the son of a former co-worker. I believe he turns 19 this year. He was actually the student of my former computer guy, who retired. The last time I needed to see him was about 2 years ago to have a hard drive replace and Windows reinstalled.You’ve had eight computers since 2002? I’ve had one. It was originally a Compaq Presario with 128 MB RAM, a Pentium I (?) and a 10 MB hard drive. It has been updated a number of times to its current state, including a new mother board, dual multi-core processors, two 80 MB hard drives, etc, etc. The only thing left of the Compaq Presario is the black case. In all that time, I doubt if I laid out $300, including the licensed software he installed during the repair at no extra charge. Admittedly, I did trade some transmission work for some of the repairs, but what I did for him was very little, actually.I do keep up with my virus software, anti-spyware software, registry cleaners, etc., regularly.Yes, I’m convinced the only way to go is a good computer guy, unless, of course, you want to spend a lifetime in training to become a computer guy yourself.
~M |
catfishred wrote on Jan 30
Knightstar is right. The first time I was in Ireland I met a Belgian man who I became instant friends with, and he worked for corporate there in Dublin. Too bad I don’t still know him…connections, connections. He was fun, sweet and very charming – always flying back and forth to Round Rock, Texas, the Dell HQ, too. He even learned line dancing while there – LOL.Because of your problems, I Googled Dell and just skimmed an interesting article about them on WIKI, which is really no help to you but interesting, just the same….
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DellWe’ve had Dells here at our small home office for a long while. Never had any problems except for once having to replace a CD tray, which was done through Ireland quickly and easily. These days, however, I’ve gone with ASUS e-machine, though I have a Dell screen that works fine for me too. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a slew of problems. We all rely so very much on our computers these days, and such constant headaches are more than irritating. I hope you get the super Dell this time – no kinks, no probs! |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jan 30
Please see my update, this is unreal!
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jan 31
I received an email from Dell: mgt is very sorry and will be replacing the two broken computers.
catfishred wrote on Feb 1, edited on Feb 1
sanssouciblogs said
Hahaha. If they give you all that, meaning massage, etc. – I’ll sell my ASUS and buy a Dell too – ROFL.What a bunch of bozos, though. Seriously!!!
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