New York City Photo Journal: Look Into My Eye
May 30, 2014
Wonderful, brilliant friends in from Chicago, just back from India on a Fulbright scholarship for almost five months. The most creative family I know.
- See that white box? it’s worth a lot of money. (Probably has 1/2 a pastrami sandwich in it)
Outside our favorite deli in Mill Basin, Brooklyn.
May 31, 2014
The New George Jam Theater, Chrystie Street, NYC
Saw: “A Beautiful Day in November On The Great Banks Of The Greatest Of The Great Lakes” Excellent review in the New York Times
- Going over the Williamsburg Bridge
- Going over the Williamsburg Bridge
- Sammy’s Roumanian Restaurant: been there forever and you might die on the spot from all the chicken fat (gribenes)
- Peering into Sammy’s kitchen
- Pickles, egg creams, chopped liver …
- and it keeps coming
- Outside The New Georges Jam Theater, a former warehouse.
June 5, 2014
The Brooklyn Museum
Exhibit: Ai WeiWei
- Ai Weiwei is a political prisoner in China who is able to speak through his art.
- The rods of a school destroyed by an earthquake were straightened for this art project and laid out.
- The straightened rods of the school
- The straightened rods of the school
- The straightened rods of the school
- He was held prisoner when he made a crab feast: the crabs are now art
- Pearls become another art form
The Brooklyn Museum
Artist from Brooklyn: Swoon
- Submerged Motherlands
The Brooklyn Historical Society: Hidden Brooklyn: Gowanus: Lenny’s Car Collection
In a huge old former bakery in Brooklyn, Lenny has over forty cars and trucks…in fact he has two warehouses. Each car a beaut. Many have been used as props in movies and music videos or photo shoots. He and his wife, an artist, put out a bountiful food spread and Lenny lectured on his life with cars.
- How did people ever moor these yachts?
- ’48 Chrysler
- ’51 Packard
- ’56 Hudson
- Good Humor truck
- Good Humor truck
- Caddy
- Scholz Seltzer truck: NYC is a seltzer city
- Pink Caddilac
- Red sports car
Going home along Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY
- Going home along Eastern Parkway.
- Going home along Eastern Parkway.
- Going home along Eastern Parkway.
- “The Mango Man” drives a truck full of the best fruit from the south to Brooklyn and parks near the Jackie Robinson Parkway. Ain’t nuthin’ like his stuff.
All I can say is, WOW! What a day! Love the Ai WeiWei exhibit. I’m going to show Matt this awesome car collection.