Nostalgia: Long Island America’s 1950’s Frontier: An Exhibition at The Long Island Museum
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- The way it was …
1957: Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens die in a plane crash.
1958: Two teens unite to become the future Simon and Garfunkel
- Memorabilia of the Long Island Railroad
- Mementos of the Long Island Railroad
- The Long Island Expressway
- The way to go
- The jukebox- a Wurlitzer no less.
- The jukebox playlist.
- Dick Clark…Alan Freed’s Memory Lane.
- Are black denim trousers sing of delinquency? hold the leather jacket.
- The Island look.
- The Island look. Fancy shmancy.
- The 50’s look
- Bikes and trikes…the beach. Jones beach.
- Do you remember liking Ike or going all the way with Adlai?
- The way it was
- The way it was
- This is how we lived.
- Cans and ice
- The Boy’s Room
- Remember those chunky cherry wood dressers?
- The way it was…
Nostalgia: Long Island America’s 1950’s Frontier: An Exhibition at The Long Island Museum — No Comments
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