NYC Photo Journal: Creativity Module: Finding the Magic Within
The current photography module is CREATIVITY. So let me explain …
- …is this: NYC abstract
- This …
- Mackerel … at H-mart
- …shore
- in Moonstone Restaurant
- … this
- Glass tiles in Moonstone Restaurant …
- … this
- Drive-by, burst shot, Nassau County
- Final edit
- food as art
- food as art
- food as art
- food as art
- food as art
- food as art
- food as art
- rose martini
- watch the fixture
- watch the fixture
Watch the progression
- Original
- original
- B/W with focus color
- focus on the child
- mask
- mask
- section from “Bibble & Sip”
- from still life assignment
- section from Frida Kahlo exhibit, girl near a food truck, The Bronx
“Excuse me, but you’re sitting on my orange!”
NYC Photo Journal: Creativity Module: Finding the Magic Within — No Comments
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