
Part 298: →Husband Journey: Hey! Where You Goin’ With That Suitcase? — 8 Comments

  1. OMG, your story, so heartbreaking. But of course I remember those white kitty days. Every little cat loving girl had one. Mine was on layaway at my local toy store in the Valley (San Fernando). And at the end of every week I’d dutifully walk to the shop and give the kindly older gentleman owner my babysitting money until it all added up to when I could bring my white kitty home with me. Oh happy day! Mine even had a little pink plastic brush attached so I could brush it, which I did every day. I don’t even remember what I’d named it, only that it was so loved as I was not. Or maybe I was but just ignored. Who knows?
    All I now know, and am sure of from what you’ve written, is that Robert took his – your – suitcase to heaven with him. And this way he’ll never run out of a warm T and Evan’s crossword puzzles…xoxo

  2. However sad, your observations and comments are so necessary. Poorly educated or trained support staff pay little notice to signs indicating that family will care for personal items nor are many interested in returning what they may have mistakenly taken. Care for the entire family should have been their concern. Please focus on happier memories like the cat

  3. The complete lack of sensitivity from this soulless institution is beyond appalling. I do hope they understand that you lost way more than his books, pictures, the suitcase, and shirts. The horror of finding one slipper and other people’s tattered belongings (with their names!) is traumatic, to say the least. I would shame them by going to public media if you have the stomach for it. I’m so sorry for all of it. The white kitten is small consolation.

  4. Dear Sue, On top of all you and Robert have endured, they added insult to injury. Robert a human being…not just a name on a list. How ——– dare they to treat his belongings in such a non-caring way….like things they just had to check off a list, regardless of their condition or how you would feel upon opening them. Disgusting and sickening. There has to be a sensitive organization to whom you could complain. It will not change what you have been through but perhaps prevent this from happening to someone else. The only comfort you have is the little white kitten. I find this story tear provoking. My heart aches for you. Hugs. Pat

  5. Oh Susan. What a horrible emotional ordeal. Maybe it’s time to report them to the NYT. It makes my brain boil🤯 and my heart ache 😣 💔. May you find the closure you need. Blessings be yours and may earlier memories of Robert be a blessing.

    Sending love ❤️

  6. Oh, Sue – I can’t believe what you’ve had to endure, and the heartbreak…may that little white cat continue to comfort you, and be a loving message from Robert and your mom and dad/childhood. It’s still got a lotta love to give and receive from you.
    245, 3-H

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