Sick Kitty Update 7: 11-16-13: Movement
Several of the homeless kitties were adopted. A little shaky, barking, crying, upset Chihuahua was admitted and is Play’s new neighbor.
The remaining kitties across the way were taking naps or hiding under towels.
Play was eating when I came in. This was the first time I saw him stand. He tried to walk a step or two.
- sitting up
- finishing dinner
I stayed with him for a good half hour and kept him purring. He even tried to clean himself but didn’t get far.
Each time I said, “who loves you?” Play meowed. It wasn’t his strong voice, kind of a dry low scratchy Maow!
The next time I asked he responded again-along with the little Chihuahua and a big dog below.
They know.
So nto see him responding to you that way Sooz. He may even be a lot more manageable and loving when he comes home. Spending time at the vet’s often times shows them how good home is! Glad to see him improving.
I was wondering, when you will be able to bring Play home?
He’s improving. Little by little. He’ll pull through, no fear.
He can still close those little kitty eyes and lean into your touch….
Play ,I know will get strong,you hang in their and you will see .you are helping by being their hugs GodsBlessings
Poor little guy. I hope you can take him home soon.