Stanhopes, or ‘peeps’, are miniature microphotographic lenses incorporated in many novelty collectables produced from the mid-19th century onwards.
Three of my Stanhopes:(You saw my heart Stanhope on my marriage bracelet)
camera: souvenir drawings/photos of Niagara Falls, Buffalo;
Celluloid binoculars, ¾” early century, double lens, souvenir drawings/photos of Paris views
metal binoculars, ½” ca. 1880’s. I bought this because I was so taken by the silliness of it.
I suppose this was a gentleman’s version of a portable Playboy Magazine. There is a photo of 3 naked dames within. Well they were within;they made a run for it. I paid a lot for this thing and I wasn’t going to let the loss of these “ladies” ruin the value of my charm. Apparently the glue that held them fast decayed and the Stanhope fell out. That made this what is called by us collectors, a “Stanhopeless.” Luckily it was still in the little box the charm was in. I never would have known had I not taken them out to do this post.
There is a place that still makes Stanhopes that can repair it; the Stanhope Microworks Company From now on, I am keeping these Bare Naked Ladies in a mini plastic bag until I can get them restored. Now I am Stanhopeful.
These are very tiny photos mounted on a little glass rod about 1/1Oth inch in diameter and 1/4 inch long. The image is about 1/3 of the diameter of the glass rod and very fragile.
- tiny Stanhope in a tiny bag
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