Travel Photo Journal 5: North Adams: Mass MoCA
Walk to the Boiler Room and you will pass Totally Totem, look up to see All Utopias Fell. There is so much more …
The work of Anselm Kiefer is housed in a new pavilion. They reflect his German identity, (b.1945), how he confronts it and addresses it. His pieces are massive and material. He weaves poetry redolent of war; decay, shipwrecks
- Huge expanses of the exhibition
- close-up of one piece
The Women of the Revolution is comprised of twenty lead beds, each represents a specific French woman who was part of the revolution. The artist fills the beds with water and dead flowers.
These night shots were taken on an evening after viewing a light show. The campus is amazing in daylight and in the evening.
Thank you for the different and fascinating pictures!