
(Part 27. Cancer), (Part 286. →Husband Journey) A Confluence: Who Knows Where The Time Goes? — 11 Comments

  1. Kate
    This by far is one of your most powerful posts. I am moved in so many ways. I have so many things I want to say.
    But really I’d give anything just to be there with you. Please know that no matter the miles my soul comes to see you….hold you, love you, listen to you and keep space for your heart, your hurt and your healing.
    For far too long you have been everything to everyone else. You carry the weight of multiple worlds on your shoulders. Your body is tired and the endured stress is showing itself.
    Maybe the lesson now, is you first. It’s time, love. It’s time.

  2. Dear Sue,
    My loving wishes are with you. Let all your pain flow through your creativity. You’re truly amazing in heart and soul.
    Love you always,

  3. From Facebook


    Wow. Like a punch to the gut (or worse). No wonder you lost it during Mahler’s Fourth, I lose it listening to that when nothing is wrong, so I can only imagine how cathartic it was for you. Hang in there. Sending hope to you.

    Sending you prayers and hugs . You are on a terrible journey but you are a strong, resilient woman. That being said there is only so much one can take and crying us a good thing.

    You are never alone, my Sister.

    Susan V.D.
    You have made a decision. I think it’s a good one. Pressure will be gone. You can only live with so much pressure and sadness. Im happy your family was there to give you permission to let it go. Walking with you.

    I think that you made a good decision. Your health should be your first priority. Good luck with everything.

    you have my prayers each day! xoxoxoxo

    Thinking of you, and sending hugs and prayers 🤗🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Hang in there my friend. It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok. You are not alone.

    Only you can decide what is right for you

    In the long run, I think you’ve made the best decision. Once it’s over you will have removed at least one big source of stress. Peace, sister!

    Susan I was so glad to speak today. My heart goes out to you at this time. You are our earth angel xx

    Praying for you

    Dear Sue, a decision has been made and I guess that helps. I am continually amazed what hits you on your journey through life and how strong you are in responding, but I can quite imagine that sometimes that stress and hurt bursts out. Mahler is a trigger for emotions needing to be let free. 🥰 He is for me too.

  4. Dearest Susan, it is so hard to hold it all together all the time. You needed to release some emotions amidst all that you are going through. You are in my prayers. I am so sorry for all you are dealing with. Sending you love ❤️

  5. Crying can be so good, let it out. You have too much to deal with.
    It was funny to see the clock. I gave my son my Grandfathers clock like that. He refinished it and took great care of it. My Grandfather had been seriously injured in World War 1, so when he wound clock the key had misshapen the was such a reminder of him and I loved him dearly. My son had clock about 20 years and loved it. When he moved, the movers somehow destroyed the clock beyond repair. Seeing your clock made me remember.

  6. My comment is not earth shattering. I actually have no words for what you are going through. It was great that you were surrounded by family and were able to let go and cry. Love you!

  7. Hey Sue,
    As soon as arrangements have been made, you will breathe . Out with the bad air and in with fresh clean curative air and you will relax. You will not be under duress because the good news is that you aren’t racing a clock to rid yourself of toxins but rather taking a proactive stance for your own health. You are master of your fate, captain of your soul. Breathe and courage will follow. I myself had shed no tears until I saw “Dear Evan Hansen” the film. Then the dam broke. I put breathing first on my list of to dos as recommended by a support group friend. I breathed into all the death notices I had to send, all the notification with respect to our identity theft fiasco and into all the aspects of probate so far. You and I start a new year with new to do lists. I am amazed at my ability to focus, to follow up on a myriad of tasks., we just have to remember to breathe.

  8. Oh Susan! I’m so glad you were able to let go and cry while family was with you. I’m so sorry to hear of the upcoming surgery. I must say I would probably make the same choice! But ouch 🤕.

    All these medical issues… I hate it for you and for others.

    I hope you will be able to keep blogging. 💕💔💕

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