
Part 293: →Husband Journey: And Then He Kissed Me — 11 Comments

  1. I love you, dear friend. My heart aches for you and for the pain you must feel. You express it all & we go with you on this journey. God grant you strength & peace. You are a lifeline for your husband even in this. And you are not alone. Love & hugs of the warmest kind. ❤️Toni

  2. Sue, I just re-read the Great Pretender blog and brought to tears. The whiplashing of hope and acceptance is so hard to take, and the feelings of guilt during acceptance may be the hardest of all. I know that old saw, “Where there’s life there’s hope”, but then you’re left to wonder for whose benefit is that? I feel for you. What more is there to say? Unless you’ve been through something like this, the grinding despair and emotional upheaval is impossible to comprehend.

  3. Oh,Susan, you are a strong, caring and wonderful woman. I truly feel such sorrow about this journey that life has given you. I know there is little that can be said to make it better, but you have many people who care and relate to what you must be going through. He kissed you. Such a sweet thing.

  4. So sweet he kissed you. Susan could his bed be moved to the window side if the other person does not like it open. I would think that would help everyone who in that room. Sunshine is so good for our bodies. Stay strong.

  5. Paul forgot mostly how to speak and how to understand the simplest things. He no longer knew the use of utensils and he could no longer recognize himself in the mirror, but he never forgot that he loved me.
    As long as he could speak, he would tell me so each morning when he awoke. Of course, within 15 minutes he was a demon! I think Robert too remembers that he loves you though he may no longer be able to express his love in words. Know that you are loved!

  6. Your awful journey feels so personal TO ME and it’s not about me. But your words, thoughts and feelings jump out from the page (screen?) and it’s as if I’m walking behind you. I’m sorry you and Robert are going through this. It must feel like an endless pit.

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